Monday, February 27, 2012

Adoption Progress

Sorry I am so late in writing Folks
The week of 2/20-2/26 was intense with work, adoption stuff, and school work !

So lets start with the adoption progress !!

Dan and I went to Adoption Star on Tuesday 2/21/2012 ( which also was Caleb's 5 month anniversary ) -- so hard to believe how different my life is 5 months from the day that my son passed away.  I mean if you had told me anything that day about Hope, or love or more children I probably would have bitten your head off.  Now I am so blessed with new friends, new hope, and I know that my son brought all of this to me.  So I thank God for Caleb daily. 

We met with our Family Advocate Missy, who is a trip.  So much fun to be around and has an all around amazing sense of humor and light about her.  She's very positive and gives me full hope that a child will be placed with Dan and I sooner rather than later.

So we were given a "plethora" of paperwork to do, including financial, medical, and preference paperwork.  And let me tell you we sat down and DID IT ALL !!!
( some people never turn there's back in )
It can be a little daunting, it includes certified marriage certificate, birth certificates, finger printing etc......

But I feel so good to have that piece of it done.
Now its just on to our classes in April & May
Once those are completed we can be eligible to be home studied !!
And after that......... crossing our fingers !
Looking forward to a blessed end to 2012

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!!! What a great experience to go through and to give such a great life to someone else. I following a blog, of a couple who recently did an open adoption. (they live in Erie, PA) You might enjoy it. I know I do. Kristie touches my heart with each and every post. You totally need to start from the beginning if you decide to read it!
