Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Adoption Class # 2

Well this class was not scary to me.....
But I could see the fear in people's eyes.
This was the class where we discussed the Child Interest grids.

Or basically deciding what type of child you are willing to consider
( One with Mental Health Issues, Alcohol exposure, Drug Exposure, etc.... )

And this is a very Long list of things.  Drug Exposure could mean as little as taking a Tylenol during pregnancy to Crack cocaine.  And Alcohol could mean having that one glass of wine before knowing she was pregnant, all the way up to "drinking a glass a day" until she gives birth.

So these are hard calls to make, and very important things to consider. Granted Dan and I discussed a lot of this pre-class, basically back in February when we started the process ( since we have Excellent Adoptive Parent Mentors we knew about all of this ahead of time )

But the thoughts and processes are scary.  We are supposed to start interviewing pediatricians now ( I remember doing this for Caleb *sigh* )
And start building a nursery now because this could go very quickly.  Especially because Dan and I are open to considering quite alot.  We just want a happy, healthy baby as most parents do.  So there are not a lot of " deal changers for us "

1 comment:

  1. I love reading about the adoption classes. Really I do. It's interesting to me what they entail, and I enjoy seeing you go through this process and will enjoy the end package as well! SO happy for you guys, and glad you let all of us, during this journey. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow night!
