Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Well That Didnt Last too Long

So what ever happened to Judge Not lest ye be judged ?

Just curious since I work with some of the meanest, most spiteful, nasty, women I have ever met.  They are all so quick to "judge" everyone else but never stop to look at themselves.  And to be fair its not all of them.  But its probably 30/40.  To be fair(er) we also have two men that work with me that don't give a crap about anything.  So ha ha ha.  I mean I am not perfect by far, but I try to take others into consideration. 

But this place is breaking me down. 
To the point that my sunny disposition is being robbed.
I am done !!
No more being nice to people, no more "extras" like candy at my desk.
No more speaking until spoken to
No more extra help to co-workers

Nothing, I'm DONE
They have pissed off the nice girl for the last time.
And its too bad.  Cause they are missing out on a great thing !

1 comment:

  1. Ugh!! People can be so rude and ignorant can't they?? I SO get where your coming from. It's horrible. I feel that people who treat {us} others like that, are lacking something in their own lives, and our jealous of what they {think} we have. It's the only way I can look at situations like this and NOT lose who I am because of them. Sorry you have to deal with this. Hugs Jamie :-) Keep that Sunny Disposition right where it's at and BLIND them!
