Monday, February 13, 2012


So the weekend was ok.  Interesting really, I was feeling really good about blogging and some people expressed to me that they thought I was "putting to much out there"  and that I should keep things private.

But the whole point of Blogging is to talk, or vent, or to get things out there. So to those who don't like it...... don't read it. ( and I will say no more about it )

I Had dinner at my cousins house on Sat, so much fun to hang out with them and their kids.  The boys are a riot !! They remind me that I am meant to be a mother, and I am lucky enough to have them to practice on. 

1 comment:

  1. Obviously I am just now starting to read your blog (which I am enjoying!) and I agree, if someone doesn't like what your saying, don't read it. I've been blogging for 4 years now. It's my life journal, my family story, my children's family story and venting outlet. I don't ever want to hold anything back on my blog, becuase then I am in actuality holding back from myself. Blogs are made to share our stories. Thank you Jamie, for sharing yours. I plan on printing my book some day, year by year, so I have those memories to remember, good, bad, sad, ugly and happy, isn't that what living is ALL about??
